The other day I remembered something that gave me a bit of a chuckle. I was thinking about this big move we’re looking at and all the ups and downs emotionally I’ve gone through to get to this point, when suddenly God reminded me of something I’d said to Him a few years back.
It was during my Crossroads DTS. I was on a spiritual high with God, and I told Him that I would give Him my “eternal yes”. I didn’t just make this assertion once. Or even twice. I said it over and over and over again – “God! I give you my eternal YES! I will go wherever and do whatever it is You call me to! You have called me, oh Lord, and to you I respond Yes! Yes! – take all of me and make it Yours.”
Of course, in my mind I was thinking I’d go to China or Africa and save starving children—the picture I’d had in my mind since I was 11. And then He told me to go to Chico. Chico? California? Uh, that’s weird. Okay, God, I’ll do it...if that’s what You want.
And now He’s saying to me, “Go to Australia.” Australia? God, are You sure? That’s a long way away, you know (I wanted to be sure he understood this)! And it’s expensive to get there (in case He wasn’t aware)! And just what will I be doing there? Why Australia? I’d like the 12-point plan, please.
I haven’t received a 12-point plan, much to my chagrin. Instead, I kicked and bucked and dug my heels in, demanding “why, why, why?” In truth, it was pretty ugly – so right now I’d like to dispel any myths you might have that people in ministry are somehow super-spiritual! All the while I was fighting Him, God remained silent. Finally, gently and graciously, He led me to Acts 8:26-40. In this story, God (through the Holy Spirit) tells Philip to “go south”. Philip does so, meeting the Ethiopian eunuch and getting the opportunity to explain the book of Isaiah to him, at the end of which the Ethiopian determines to be baptized into faith in Jesus Christ.
What struck me about this story was Philip’s obedience. He didn’t ask God “why?” or “how?” or even “what for?” Philip simply obeyed and went, and as a result the name of Christ was introduced to the country of Ethiopia. Then I thought of 1 Samuel 15:22, which tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice. Suddenly I found myself stopped cold in my tracks, and then God quietly reminded me of my own promise, made 3 years previous. What good is a declaration made in the height of excitement if there is no follow through when the high wears off? Is it any different than the boy who declares his love for a girl in the midst of passion, only to leave her when he’s gotten what he wanted? I do not want to be that person.
Slowly, a peace began to grow in my heart that this was, indeed, the plan God has for me at this time. God has continued to bring confirmation about this decision through many different sources (I’d love to share more stories if you are interested!), and has calmed (is calming?) my fear and trepidations one by one.
As it stands right now, we will be leaving in September for Perth, Australia. I will work with the YWAM base there and Sierra will be returning to public school. Until that time I will continue in my current role at YWAM Chico leading groups into Mexico to build homes for the poor and work with an orphanage there.
I’d love it if you would pray about partnering with us as we go! And please… contact me—I love hearing from you! Be abundantly blessed in Him!
As we move to Australia to live out this next phase of our adventure in following God, we would love your support and partnership. We need people dedicated to lifting us up in prayer as well as people who are able to help us financially.
Please send all donations to:
YWAM Chico c/o Dayna Murphy
15850 Richardson Springs Rd.
Chico, CA 95973