Sunday, June 05, 2005

Dreams really do come true...

My name is Dayna, and I am 35 years old. For practically my entire life (ok - well, the last 20 years or so) I've had this dream to live in Mexico and work with orphans there. After a Series of Unfortunate Events (in my life...not the movie!), I found myself at a crossroads with the freedom to take some different directions. After a lot of prayer and soul searching, I decided that now was the time to explore a little bit more about what this dream of mine is. three weeks, my daughter Sierra and I will leave for Mexico...but first, we have to get through her 11th birthday party! We're having a big party at the local pool and a bunch of kids from her class will be coming, along with other friends and family.

Sierra has mixed feelings about our move. She's excited to travel and see the world and explore some new adventures, but she's worried about missing her friends and family. I can understand that. I'm worried about that, too. That's part of the reason I decided to have this website - so we could keep in touch with people, and they could see what we're up to.

Well, I guess that's all for now - I'm sure there are so many questions you must be asking - WHY are we leaving?? HOW will we afford it? WHAT will we be doing down there?? WHEN will be coming back? WHERE in Mexico will we be? As well as a hundred others...I hope to get to some of that in the next few weeks...until then - buen viaje!

1 comment: said...

wow - i also can't wait to go to Columbia to visit my child through World Vision.

this is gabrielle