Well, I'm in the process of writing the next article of my series, "A discussion on the standard of living for missionaries" - however, thought it would be fun to give everyone a little visual of what has been happening recently. The photos aren't great, as all I've got is the camera on my mobile - but you'll get the idea. As always - I'd love to hear your thoughts!!
This is the view at sunrise of downtown Perth from our flat |
Every Thursday everyone on the base goes out for evangelism. My team works with the homeless at a nearby park. Here we are preparing the spiritual ground through worship. |
This woman joined us for worship and noted that when we are there, there is a presence of peace that comes over the park. She wants us to keep coming and to do a Jericho march around the park. Although intoxicated, the Spirit of God was touching her heart. |
A few people on our team are artists and minister to the people through that gifting. Here are some of our regulars making some drawings that will eventually be put into a showing at a gallery in town. You can see the front-most guy has something in his shirt...this is a water bottle filled with glue that he is huffing. This is a tragic and all-too-often seen problem amongst the indigenous families. Deep healing is needed! |
Sierra is right at home ministering to the poor and needy...you can see the joy in her smile! |
The ministry I've been involved in - Pathway - works with refugees and immigrants in their homes, helping with English and anything else to help transition families into life in Australia. This is a friend from Iraq. |
Here is our friend Nada, holding my friend Hollie's baby...Nada just loves that little guy! |
A few weekends ago, a team of us went about 4 hours away to help at a conference. We were teaching the kids - my team was working with the 9-12 year olds. It was fantastic! |
Not the best photo, but this is our group of kids we were working with. |
So, one morning at worship we were praying for breakthrough and had a time of prophetic action. One group formed a wall, and the other group ran at the wall to break through, symbolizing the spiritual breakthrough they were looking for. |
About a month ago Sierra went away for the weekend for a school camp for kids involved in the arts. They had a costume party on Saturday night - this is Sierra's costume - the Queen of Hearts. |
I was so blessed to be given a bike! I've been just loving riding it around, and it's made things soooo much easier - especially for my feet. The pain in my feet has really reduced without all the walking I was doing. |
Here is Sierra, getting ready to go her Year 12 Ball (prom). She ordered her dress off ebay from China! She's growing up... |
Sierra and her friends took an old orange bus from the base as their transport to the ball. So much cooler than a limo! Haha...This is Sierra with her friend Pete - he's also a YWAM kid, and they went to Bali this summer for the Summer of Service (SOS) mission trip. |
Here's the whole group of kids that went to the ball together. |
Every quarter we have a commissioning dinner to pray over and commission students who are leaving for outreach. This was at the commissioning dinner last week. |
Sierra took this photo - it's at the base. Look! No more double chin! |
Well, I hope you enjoyed this little photo journey through the last few months of our lives. Remember that God is good, all the time...even when we can't see it, that truth stands. Bless you!
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